Thursday 30 October 2014


Pay Per Click (PPC) is a great form of advertising because it targets users who are actively looking for your products and services. PPC is also a great compliment to an SEO strategy and is essential for a holistic digital strategy. Not sure whether to take your PPC efforts in house or outsource them to an agency? Here are some of the advantages to hiring out:
PPC Management

Saves Time - Pay Per Click management requires a serious commitment. It requires a constant effort to manage and update keywords, ads and campaigns. From manual bid tweaking to constant monitoring, Pay Per Click management is a high maintenance job. When you hire out to an agency, you are allowing professionals to focus on your PPC accounts so that you have more time for other business tasks.

Keeps you from wasting money - It's not hard to waste money with a Pay Per Click campaign if you're not sure what you're doing. When you hire an agency to take care of your PPC efforts, you're gaining a team of professionals who know how to manage and update bid prices to make the most of your budget. They also know how to optimize targeting to make sure you won't pay for irrelevant clicks.

Effective results - PPC agencies have one goal in mind: to make your campaign a success. They know which keywords and ad formats will be most beneficial for your brand, and consistently monitor ad performance to bring in the most qualified traffic.

Experience - Agencies have a lot of experience with different businesses across all industries. They know what works and have a great foundation for their overall strategy so that your campaigns can start off on the right foot. PPC professionals also have an abundance of experience across different advertising platforms and know how to leverage both current and new features for your brands benefit.

Dedicated Google support 
- Agencies typically have an open line of communication with representatives at Google for any AdWords technical support, meaning issues are usually resolved that much quicker. A good relationship with Google reps also means access to new AdWords features that are being tested in beta, so agencies typically are the first to try new products on the market. 

Focus - At an agency, the PPC professionals are focused on one thing, and that's Pay Per Click. Since their focus is PPC, they know it inside and out and have an acute knowledge for managing campaigns that you yourself may not have the time or know-how to do.

SEO Knowledge - Many agencies who offer Pay Per Click management also have an understanding of SEO or even offer it as a secondary service. An understanding of how SEO and PPC can function together is very important for a good PPC strategy and can have a significant impact on your traffic. 

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