Saturday, 6 December 2014
Technology: Modern Day’s Evil Necessity
In today’s society, everyone is linked in to the Internet at all times. iPhones, laptops, iPads and tablets are taking over our lives and although they increase productivity at work. However, that there are positive and negative sides to the influx of technology readily at our fingertips.
The Great:
People staying connected. That’s what it’s all about. Nowadays, social media like Twitter and Facebookconnect you with just one click to people from high school, friends from college and family members, and allows you to see what they have been up to. Technology lets you to do more with less. You can have face-to-face discussions over video chat with your grandma on the east coast, that lucky friend of yours all the way in Switzerland or, if it’s business you’re into, the board meeting you couldn’t make.
Technology has been proven to help toddlers develop their fine motor skills better than ever before (there’s an app for that), helps parents get more done, allows for better attention to detail in business and production realms and can even help save users money and time when arranging travel plans.
The Bad:
All this instant communication and instant gratification can’t be good for us. My friends and family will be the first to tell you that my iPhone is my constant companion and ruins many dinners, late night catch up sessions and at-home movies. The first step is admitting you have a problem, right? People have stopped communicating with those around them. Next time you’re out to dinner, look around you and see how many people are avoiding the person across from them to linger on their bright screens. Kids are discovering Internet and television earlier and parents have started using technology as the babysitter. Sure, toddlers are honing their fine motor skills, but their gross motor skills are taking a hit. Staring at a screen and sitting on your laurels for hours isn’t good for young children. Production and business aspects are flourishing with the helpful hand of technology, but all the new developments mean less of a need for humans and human jobs.
The key to keeping a balance between the beneficial and damaging characteristics of modern day technology is limitation. Especially when it comes to children, the less screen time the better. It’s important to realize we don’t have to be connected 24/7. It’s time to put down the phones and enjoy the human company of the person sitting next to you at the coffee shop.
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