Saturday 18 October 2014

Power Hack of the Week: How to Master Your Attention Span

In our new “Power Hack of the Week” series, we highlight one quick thing you can do each week to improve your personal, career or money life.
Today, we’re featuring “attention management,” a productivity strategy that helps you master job tasks by tackling them at key moments throughout the workday.
It’s 2:15 P.M. on Tuesday. In 15 minutes, your boss will need the big presentation you’ve been trying to finish all week.
The problem? You can barely keep your eyes open. In fact, it’s always around this time of day that the caffeine buzz from your morning cup of joe starts to fade, and you can’t quite muster the brain power to add the finishing touches to that presentation. If only you could nap for just a few minutes….
If this scenario sounds familiar, we get it—and we’ve got a solution.
Nope, it’s not a can of Red Bull. It’s a way to hack your workday by learning to manage your attention span.
The tip is based on the work of Graham Allcott, author of “How to Be a Productivity Ninja” and founder of consulting firm Think Productive. And the goal is to help you become more efficient at the office by figuring out when during the day you are the most or least focused. Then you match those times with tasks that require the appropriate level of attention.
Attention management is about doing major stuff when you’re laser-focused—and leaving less strenuous tasks for when you’re mentally out to lunch.
Why It’s Worthy of Being Called a Power Hack This strategy helps address the all-too-common problem of brain drain by recognizing that it’s unrealistic to expect everyone to be super energized all of the time.
So regardless of whether you’re an early-bird productivity type or you don’t really hit your stride until the afternoon, attention management is about doing major stuff when you’re laser-focused—and leaving less strenuous tasks for when you’re mentally out to lunch.
To get started, all you need is a pen, paper and 10 minutes of quiet time.
How to Get Hacking Make a list of all the tasks (big and small) that you complete in a typical day, from “conduct Internet research” to “reply to the C.E.O.’s e-mail.”
Next, decide whether each task requires proactiveactive or inactive attention.
Proactive attention is the kind of sustained focus you need to draft an important email, lead a team meeting or come up with creative solutions to a business problem. Active attention is necessary when you’re making smaller day-to-day decisions, writing to-do lists or attending meetings. Inactive attention is more suited for tasks like deleting unnecessary emails or filing paperwork.
So how do you know when you’re ready to tackle a difficult project versus when you’d be better off cleaning your desk?
“It’s intuitive,” says Grace Marshall, a productivity ninja who runs workshops for Think Productive. “Think back over the last couple of weeks and ask yourself when you felt focused and productive—in the zone. What time was that?”
With this info in mind, create a work schedule that matches the appropriate tasks to your attention level throughout the day. If you need to collate papers, save that for when you’re barely awake. Likewise, if you have to speak with an important client, arrange the conference call for when you’re most focused and alert.
Of course, you’ll have to make some exceptions. “Even if you don’t have as much flexibility [as you’d like], it’s still useful to know what level of attention you need for a certain task,” so that you can prep if you’re thrown off-schedule, Marshall says.
For instance, if that important client call is set for when you’d normally water the office plants, then you might need to take a brisk walk around the block to perk yourself up.
Just remember that attention management is about you dictating your time—rather than having tasks dictate for you. After all, only you know your brain power best.

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