Thursday 23 October 2014

HTML 5 for Beginners: A 4 Essential Steps Quick Learning Guide Of HTML 5

Do you have an interest in HTML5 and CSS3 web development? Are you an aspiring Front-end Web Developer? Or are you starting a new career in web development? If you answer to any of these question is a big ‘Yes!’ then we welcome you to our beloved web development industry, but even if don’t want to be a part of the ever green web development industry, we welcome you as a person with an interest in learning about web technologies. Today, with this blog post, we are going to talk about HTML5 for beginners, where we will define what HTML is and how it evolved from HTML to HTML5, why you should learn it, what you require for learning HTML5, and much more.

 Welcome HTML 5 Guide

Moreover, if you also aspire to make a web page on your own, for your company or personal website, with this blog post you’ll be able to attain a thorough understanding of HTML5 which is quite crucial before you proceed with your plans. And we assure you that you’ll fall in love with HTML5.

 Step 1: What is HTML and HTML5?

HTML is an abbreviated form of Hypertext Markup Language, which is used to build web pages that, informs a web browser to visually represent its elements, such as text and images with a set of codes and symbols. Moreover, HTML is the W3C (World Wide Web) recommended standard for creating websites. Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of HTML, introduced the HTML to the world in 1990.

Since 1990 HTML have go through a lot of modifications and improvements based on the suggestions from a wide group of web designers and developers to overcome the difficulties they face while making interactive websites. After the initial recommendation of HTML, it came in new versions such as HTML 2.0 in 1995, HTML 3.2 in 1997, HTML 4.0 in 1997, and HTML 4.01 in 1999, which is then followed by the latest HTML5.

Step 2: Why Learn HTML?

Why Learn HTML?

We already know that while reading this blog post, you are full of questions like; why should I learn HTML when I can easily make a website using a CMS such as Wordpress and Joomla. But to be very clear, we know that there’s no harm in developing websites using pre-made CMSes, however, it won’t do any harm too to learn HTML, and instead it may come handy to understand the coding of CMSes as well.

In addition to this, there might be instances where you need to deal with a design full of flaws, and in those tough situations your HTML skills will definitely come to your rescue. For example, let’s take a case of a wordpress site where it displays wrong images using some CSS rule, and you need to fix that, what will you do. Obviously, you can only deal with these kinds of issues once you know how HTML works and how to code in HTML, and once you are skilled in HTML, you can easily view the source code and make the images work correctly, but remember only if you are well skilled in HTML.

Moreover, learning HTML will doesn’t eat much of your time, instead you can kick-start your career as an HTML developer with in a very short span, as HTML is a very easy and basic markup language that every aspiring web developer should learn.

Step 3: What Do You Need?

What Do You Need?
Well, to learn HTML5 you really don’t need much, what all you need is the dedication and devotion to learn and practice it.

A Notepad that comes pre-installed in Windows OS, would work perfect as your first ever code-editor. However, if you aren’t on Windows OS, or would like to use some other text editors, then you can use Coda 2 for Macintosh, Sublime Text and Komodo Edit for Macintosh, Windows and Linux. Apart from these three, there are plenty more text editors which are available for free on the internet.

In addition to this, you could also get an HTML or WYSIWYG editors. Here ‘WYSIWYG’ stands for "what you see is what you get." You can take it as a layout tool which allows creating an HTML page and formatting it pretty easily and that too without worrying too much about the HTML tags and elements.

So to ensure that you become a skilled HTML professional, we recommend you to adapt to Hard-coding, which means writing HTML codes using a text editor.

Step 4: Things You Should Know About HTML5 to Get Started

Things You Should Know About HTML5 to Get Started

There are two things that you should be aware of before getting your hands dirty in HTML5:

• The basic HTML5 tags and elements.
• The structure of an HTML5 webpage.

1. Basic HTML Tags and Elements
Basic HTML Tags and Elements
As HTML is a markup language it is quite obvious that it consists of various tags and elements. However, you will be able to learn and remember all of them only when you will start practicing them more often. But to ensure a successful beginning in your HTML learning phase, you should be well aware of the some basic HTML tags and elements that are used to make an HTML5 page.

Tags are generally used in pairs, namely; an opening tag and a closing tag. An opening tag signifies that the browser should render the content placed after it by using all of its given properties, and a closing tag informs the browser about the end of that particular tag.

For example, the opening <html> tag defines the starting point of an HTML page, and its closing </html> tag defines that the HTML content ends here. These tags help browsers to understand what to display, when to display, and what not to display.

Apart from the above mentioned two tags, there are some tags which we call as the self closing tags. Additionally there are some empty HTML elements, which are used without content. For example; the <br> tag is used for single line break, and no content is placed for this tag.

In HTML there are many self closing tags and elements, which are listed below.

• area
• base
• keygen
• command
• embed
• br
• col
• hr
• img
• input
• track
• link
• meta
• param
• source
• wbr

All of the above mentioned HTML tags can stand alone. For example, the <img> tag is used to place an image within an HTML document, but never gets closed with its corresponding closing tag.

2. Structure of an HTML page

HTML5 is a very easy to understand and logical language. When a browser starts rendering an HTML5 page, it starts reading it from the top to down, and from left to right.

While reading the HTML5 page, it follows the basic structure of the document, under which you must declare the document type using <!DOCTYPE html>.Then it reads the first tag i.e., <html>, which eventually marks the beginning of an HTML5 page.

Then there are other two prominent sections, the first one is <head> that represents the head of the page and consists of Meta tags, title tag, stylesheet, scripts etc., and the second one is <body> that represents the main content of an HTML document.

In other words, the <head> section is made only for spider bots to crawl and web browsers to understand the web page, and execute the placed scripts and cascading style sheets, whereas the <body> section is what people get to see when they browse the HTML document online.

Here’s how to start an HTML5 webpage.

<!Doctype html>


Now the base for creating your first stunning and powerful HTML page is ready and you can hit the go button with it.

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