Thursday 23 October 2014

Here Are 5 Essential Tips Keeping Up With Technology

After spending a solid amount of time looking at what people were posting on Twitter in regards to technology, I came across an interesting question asking, “Is technology moving too fast for you?”  I figured this would be a great opportunity for me to give my two cents with some tips on how to keep up with new technology.  For me, technology is never moving too fast because I love seeing the new products that come out and buying some of them as well. 


However, I know this can be an issue for some people, so I thought I would 
help out.

1.  You need to understand that technology is a constantly changing game.  It doesn’t stay the same for long because there’s always something new coming out or in the works.

Technology Changing Game

2.  Don’t fear technology, but embrace it! If you fear technology, you’re afraid of nothing.  It can’t do anything to you.  If it’s not something you’re interested in, don’t look any further into it than you have to.

Don’t fear technology

3.  Read and learn.  Most people feel technology is moving too fast because they don’t understand how to use the products or their purpose.  Like anything else, you need to educate yourself.  If your unfamiliar with a piece of technology that may interest you, Google the product.  There are plenty of blogs out there providing insight.

Read and learn

4.  Ask questions.  Don’t ever feel shy or uncomfortable to ask a question to something you may not know.  Technology isn’t something everyone can wrap their mind around, that’s why there are people to help you just like with anything else.  As the saying goes, “there’s no stupid question, only the one not asked.”

 Ask questions

5.  Try it out.  Technology may be moving fast, but you need to get in there and use it if you ever expect to learn it.  Reading is good, but until you get your hands dirty, you’re not applying the knowledge you’ve gained.  Hands on is probably the best way to become better in tune with technology.

Try it out

I feel these are the top 5 tips I could give anyone that’s new to technology and feels it’s moving too fast for them to keep up.  These tips can be applied to many other facets of life and not just technology, which is why these are the tips I suggested.  I believe by having people view technology just as they would other situations in life helps put things in a better perspective. Sometimes things are easier than they seem and people may make it harder than it actually is.

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