Friday 31 October 2014

Here Are 10 Ways To Improve Your Blog & Online Earnings

When it comes to making money online, the more work you put in to improve your blog, the more you’ll get out of it.  Through hard work, dedication and determination, your online efforts can improve your bank balance.  Here are some different ways that you can use to improve your blog and boost online earnings.
Improve Your Blog

1. Run a Promotion

Nothing brings people in like a special offer. If you sell a product or service, price them at a discount for several days and publicize the sale on your social media platforms. You might offer a free, 15-minute consultation or a free copy of an eBook. No matter what your niche or monetization strategy, find a way to give your visitors value. Not all of them will stick around, but even if only 10 percent come back you will see a significant increase in daily performance.
According to Holiday 2012 Spending & Promotion [Infographic], 36-percent of shoppers during the 2012 Christmas season were purchasing goods offering sales and discounts. This was more than 22-percent higher than those who were looking to buy quality merchandise. This just goes to show that when it comes to shopping, people love promotions!

2. Publish an eBook

Improve your online earnings
If you know your niche and can find an original topic, write your own eBook to help your viewers and bring in a direct income from your knowledge. Do your research, edit strenuously and ensure that you’re offering unique and helpful content. With a bit of marketing, any book can be successful. Most major online distributors will accept self-published works so long as they are properly formatted, or you can provide downloads with your own checkout service.
Using a service such as could help you to get your name out there and allow readers to find your content. While you may not make money using this service, it can easily create a fan base for your future works that could lead to immortalizing your name.

3. Join the Community

If your traffic is stagnating and you are primarily relying on search engines, it’s time to find a new source of readers and customers. Stop seeing other bloggers and professionals in your community as rivals and start figuring out how to build success together. This usually means writing guest postsfor each other, which are a valuable source of backlinks and traffic, but more creative methods can be even more profitable.
Building backlinks to your site is important to your continued success on the Internet. As you can see from the SEO: How To Build Backlinks [Infographic], there are many different ways that you can capitalize on building links by developing a strategy that works best for your site.

4. Find New Opportunities

There are many ways to monetize a website. In all likelihood, you are not exploiting all of them. Too many advertisements or blatant marketing will drive away readers, but that’s no reason to sell yourself short, either. Start participating in affiliate marketing, sell physical products or provide advising services for your niche. The new revenue stream may prove to be your most profitable enterprise yet.
Services such as Google Adsense could produce a stream of income from any website. As Google adjusts the ads dependent on your content, visitors are provided with relevant advertisements that may interest them enough to click one. Once a click happens, you get paid.

5. Study the Market

If you are struggling to find a dedicated readership, it may be because you are not addressing the real needs and interests of those within your niche. Some basic keyword research is a good place to start. Examine more successful blogs and see which topics and posts get the most comments. Don’t start plagiarizing, but they may give you an idea of what people actually want to discuss and learn about. Sometimes a new perspective is all that’s needed to help you improve your blog and take it to the next level.
Tools such as Google Trends can also open the doors to what is trending in the world. This data goes as far back as 2004 and will show you what search terms have been the most popular relating to your own suggestion.

6. Edit Old Pages to Improve Your Blog

About once every year, go back through each page of your website as well as all of your blog posts. Correct any errors that were missed the first time around, add new internal links to your more recent posts and update the writing to your current tone and professional standards. Search engines like pages that have been recently edited, and bringing everything up to speed will improve your bounce rates.
Examining your content from its original standpoint could help increase the visitor’s confidence in your website. Sometimes, things are missed or reported incorrectly. It’s always best to provide the best content available to strengthen that confidence within your visitor in order to optimize the experience for him or her.

7. Create Videos

Video marketing is a much more powerful tool than words alone. It helps to connect readers to you as a person, establishing trust and familiarity. Invest in a decent camera and remember to keep your videos short, informative and interesting. There’s plenty of time to go into detail later, in text.
Video marketing can be an extremely powerful tool as it will show the visitor in real-life what they can only imagine by reading text. As time progresses, more and more people are developing video marketing campaigns in order to sell products and review services.

8. Improve Your Productivity

Monitor your own habits for one week to learn how your time is really being spent. There are apps and programs available which act as time logs, or you can simply note every time you begin working, end working or become distracted. You may be shocked to learn how many hours a day you actually spend working and how many are wasted.
Applications such as Toggl can help you keep your time organized and provide you with greater insight as to how you spend your day. By creating specific projects and tasks for yourself, and remembering to actually clock in and out, you can see areas in your day that could be adjusted.

9. Start Tracking Performance

Some webmasters watch their page-views and that’s it. Instead, you need to be monitoring how people behave when they land on your website, what they click and where they go. Using an advanced web analytics service will show you how people are using your site and help you shape their behaviours in the future.
Improve your blog
Tools such as Google Analytics can provide you with demographic information, how often specific pages are accessed, time spent on each page, where the visitor was referred from, and so much more.  The more information you have about your site, the more areas you can look at to improve your blog.
All it requires is a small code snippet to add to the site you want to track and Google will do the rest. If you use Joomla, WordPress or other content management system, there are plugins that will handle the coding for you.

10. Write More

Most importantly, push yourself to increase your output. If you publish a blog post three times a week, aim for five. People want to consume as much information as they can get. Supply it to them, and you’ll develop a devoted following all your own.
Content is very important to the success of your website. Through relevant and quality written text, your pages will rank higher in search engines which in turn will rank higher with visitors. Keep the unique content flowing and the visitors will come.

As you progress through your career as an Internet marketer, remember to always stay hungry. Branch out, follow new trends and never stop looking for new opportunities. With the right attitude and motivation, you’ll be able to continue increasing your earnings for years to come.

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