Saturday 18 October 2014

6 Important SEO Content Writing Tips For Beginners And For Starter

SEO content writing
Writing is neither easy nor difficult, it only depends on your personal skills and passion. Remember, content is king and it drives traffic to your site without content you can’t be found on search engine. It is necessary to know the seo content writing tips for beginners as it promotes beginners to next stage of blogging.
Content writing tips helps you to rank well in the search engine. It is surprising to know you that freelancer writers charge 10$ to 30$ an hour and if you know this art of content writing you don’t have to pay money to freelancers for writing, even you also earn money in return of your services.
But, today I give you 6 important SEO content writing tips at no cost you just have to concentrate and follow all these steps of success.

6 Important SEO Content Writing Tips For Beginners:

Here, I’ll show you SEO content writing tips for beginners in simple 6 steps:
  1. Write For Human:

Whenever you start writing content, make sure you are writing for human not for Google, robots and pandas. Many content writers use black hat techniques to get high rank in search engine while search engine is very smart now a day.
Write For Human

Few tips:
  • Easy content
  • Well written content
  • Grammatically correct 
  1. Write interesting, unique, well written content:

This is one of the best SEO content writing tip for beginners to write unique and interesting content that your audience loves to read and come back to your site again to read more interesting updates and contents.
Write interesting
Well written content attracts more audience, Google also loves unique and well written content. As Google is more interesting to find unique contents that it readers love to read and put these content on the top of search engine ranking.
  1. Scannable text is vital:  (heading, bullets and etc)

Make sure your page has few scannable texts that attract visitors to read out your content. These are the texts that are highlighted in bullet points as an important text of your entire post.

A catchy heading looks pretty at the start of your content as it helps people to find relevant content to read.
  1. Quantity with Quality:

Quantity is important only, when your content has quality. Without quality there is no need to have quantity, Quantity refers to that your content has minimum 400 – 500 words.
Quantity with Quality:

If you are capable to write a content of 800 – 1000 words without losing its quality then what you need more? It is one of your best step to become a great content writer.
While Quality refers to its uniqueness, make sure your content is not copy paste or spun as it is written by human hands and has an ability to pass copy-scape test.
Few ideas:
  • Unique Content
  • Content must pass plagiarism and copy-scape test
  • Lengthy content
  1. Smart use Of keyword:

Use keyword gently, as it is also important content writing tip for beginners. Smart use of keyword attracts different search engines to rank your post in search engine.

Don’t stuff too much! Use your targeted keyword two or three times in a post depends on the total words used in the post . Try to use targeted keyword in first paragraph of the post, also use in the middle of the post and in the last paragraph of the post as it creates good sign of using keyword in Google’s eye.
  1. Make Your Content Stand Out:

Write a unique content that has the capability to stand out in front of thousands of  your competitors content. Invest your time and energy to make your content up, in front of your competitor.

Follow above steps of SEO Content Writing Tips For Beginners to become a successful writer and invest your time and energy to earn money as a freelance writer !

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